
kids-made pizza

love to involve my boys in my cooking whenever there's a chance, at least it feels good that I am not alone working in the kitchen. it's my first time making pizza tonight and i found that it is not as difficult as i thought! there is simple ingredients used and the dough is pretty easy to handle. here's a simple recipe to follow:


250g bread flour
1 teaspoon dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
150ml water
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

sift flour and salt into a bowl, add the yeast. then add water and olive oil. slowly work the ingredients together to form a dough.
knead for about 10 mins until the dough becomes smooth and elastic
cover the dough with damp wrap and leave it to rise for 1 hr

turn out the risen dough onto a floured working surface and knock it down to release the gas. give it a few gently kneading. cut the dough into 2 portions. shape into two round balls, cover loosely with damp wrap and let it rest for 10mins.

(if making the dough yourself, be sure to let your kids help you mix the yeast as it provides a great opportunity for you to share a little science lesson about leavening.)

roll each portion to a round, about 10" in size.
now it's time for the kids to help with the toppings!
have set out a range of different toppings, which included onions, bell peppers, pineapples, mushrooms, pepperoni and mozzarella cheese.
what are you guys doing? smuggling some hams and pineapples????
the boys had a blast putting the tomato dressing
everyone got to choose their own toppings

last step is to bake in a preheat oven at 200C for 20mins
we made two pizzas tonight, hawaiian, the kids' favourite, and another one with my favorite pepperoni and mushroom toppings. the resulting crust was rather thin with crispy edge
the taste of a freshly baked pizza, yummy!!!

It was a very satisfying and hearty meal for all of us, Aiden has never eaten as much pizza!!
I am already looking forward to another round of pizza making soon.

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